
A travel blog for independent traveller. Avoid crowds while travelling.

Hi, I am Adam.

The big question will always be where, when and how to travel on the next trip without bumping into hundreds (or thousands) fellow visitors. Meeting and sharing stories with other tourists is one of the biggest joys of travel. But I also appreciate less crowded destinations. I also firmly believe that with some planning it is always possible to have a great trip experience. Even on a trip to Paris, Rome or Florence in July.

My current list is below. It also includes a list of countries, cities and destinations to visit before (or in-between) the crowds in Europe, Asia, and South and Central America.

Avoid Crowds When Travelling – Top 21 Tips (2022)

Regarding the commercial side. This website has no Google ads and no affiliated marketing links with booking.com or Amazon. It is following the idea of the open source IT software available to everybody on this planet free of charge. That, in my opinion, led the technology revolution to everybody’s benefit.

In other words, all recommendations are mine and untainted by any financial incentive.

If you like it, please let me know.

If you do not like it, definitely please let me know as I want to make it better.

If you have a travel recommendation, please let me know as well.

Best wishes,



Indonesia Mt Rinjani