
Hi, I am Adam.

“Travel Before the Crowds” was born because I could not find find the detailed information for my independent travel to some less-visited places. I also did not know where, when and how to travel next without bumping into hundreds (or thousands) of the fellow tourists.

I like mountains, nature, historical sites, exposure to other cultures, and meeting and talking to people on my travels. And let’s not forget good local food! Nothing breaks the barriers better and leads to excellent conversations than a delicious meal shared.

So which countries and areas to visit? Which places are truly unique for any good reasons? How to travel from one place to my destination without being too late, way too early, at the wrong place, without any free seats, completely wet or snowed in, overcharged 10 times, or directed to the “special room in the basement with no window”?

I fully realize that the tips of where, when and how to travel will be evolving without a finish line. My current attempt is here: Avoid Crowds When Travelling – Top 21 Tips (2022).

Regarding the commercial side. This website has no Google ads or affiliated marketing links with booking.com or Amazon. All recommendations are mine (including the risk if I got them wrong!).

Just a travel blog, which hopefully will make your trip easier and more efficient and enjoyable.

If you like it, please let me know.

If you do not like it, definitely please let me know as I want to make it better.

If you have a travel recommendation, please let me know. I am always looking for interesting and unique places to visit.

I hope all this information will be useful to you, a fellow independent traveler. Maybe we will even manage to meet and break bread together in the future.

Best wishes,
